Friday, April 8, 2011

So five years ago today, Ry and I got married :) I love him so much... I thought we lost track of time... I couldn't believe it's been five years already!!! What an amazing five years... I can't wait to see what the next five bring us... I am so happy and he is such an amazing husband!!! Life really couldn't get any better....

"If you have found love, you have been given one of life's greatest gifts.
Treasure it. Savor it. It's not what you have, but WHO you have in your life
that counts. The possibilities are endless. Dream together. Plan together.
Laugh together. Grow together. Go where you've never been. Appreciate each
other. Be spontaneous. Be romantic. Fall in love with life all over again."

Love you so much Ry... You truly are my everything, my Eternal companion!!!


LCO's said...
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LCO's said...

Congrats! You guys are so cute, and if your marraige can survive nursing school, it can survive anything!

Widdisons said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you do something fun! Love you guys!