Thursday, December 6, 2012

October was full of fun... and in between all the fun I was stressing out, I had a CEN (Certified Emergency Nurse) test that I was studying for, it was a beast, but I passed YEAH!!! It was such a relief to pass... Well we took off for Moab mid October to celebrate Ry's birthday, he turned the big 31... Ouch :) While in Moab Logan decided to get his first tooth!!! So lets just say, if there was any sleeping in Moab it was in one hour increments, I was happy to know that his mood was due to a tooth though and not to being in Moab :0 Moab is one of our favorite places to be and to have Logan there was so much fun... He loved just laying out and playing and also enjoyed playing in the dirt, he is all boy!!!
He LOVES his dad!!!

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