Monday, June 27, 2011

So what a whirl wind the last two months have been... We welcomed an new little one into the family, just in time to see my grandma pass...The emotions have been crazy and the time has flown by... Ry is still doing his business and excelling at it.. he is so busy lately, that he's almost overwhelmed... but still loving it... I am in my last 30 DAYS of nursing school!!! Yeah :) so excited... the stress level is off the scales... between working, precepting, going to school and dr appointments I never stop... I can't wait for July 27th, when at least school is over :) Ry and I have grown so close in the last two years with all the hard times, I say hard times but I know its nothing compared to others, but to us we have struggled, he is so good to me and puts up with so much... We love each other more each day and grow everyday!!! Enjoy!!!

How far in the future will you go??? There are generations unborn whose lives will be shifted and shaped by the moves you make and the actions you take...


Hannah said...

Loved all the updates! It's been so busy for you guys. I am thinking of you and there for you if you need anything! Xoxo

Widdisons said...

WOW, you've been BUSY!! Looks good!
Thanks again for coming out to help with Kara and Conner. We sure enjoyed having you out her and we miss ya. Thanks for EVERYTHING you and Ry do. We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

It's late, can't sleep, what a nice tribute to your grandma...we love you and Ryan, your in our prayers always. Love mom