21 WEEKS!!!! Only 19 more to go :) I was able to go have breakfast with a great, wonderful friend that I went through nursing school with, she is only two weeks ahead of me, and the same size!!! She is tiny :) Here is us showing off our bellies :) The server at the restaurant was peeking at us and says "Do you both have baby bumps??" We sure do!!!
So Ry was able to feel little Logan move the other night, I was not expecting that, I thought that maybe around the 30 week mark he could feel him, but he felt him, and what an amazing experience, Ry thought it was cool, but a little weird :0 I just told him it confirmed that we are aliens :)
Little Logan is growing and making me grow so fast, I love the feeling of movement inside my belly, and know I will soon miss it... Hoping this won't be our last, I cherish every moment and every day thinking we may only have one child... but have been so blessed to be able to have this little one!!! I love him so much!!! We have our 3D ultrasound next week and can NOT WAIT!!! I hope he has dimples, just like his Daddy :)
So the progress of little Logan... He is 3/4 of a pound (but has added 8 lbs to mom), and is 10 1/2 inches long, about the size of a carrot... I feel him move like crazy, now more and more during the day, he still loves to move at night whenever possible... I can't even explain the excitement that I have for this little one!!! We are so overjoyed and can't believe this is happening!!! Saydie is a little momma's girl, if I'm home she is not far from my side, she sticks by me, not taking her eyes off me, she knows something is brewing in my belly... every time I sit, she comes and lays on my lap, not bad for a 56 lb lab... the little turkey, but I love it!!!