Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So we made it to 25 weeks!!! Yea :) I feel huge... pretty sure I can't grow anymore but am so excited to get bigger :) Little Logan moves around all the time these days, I love to feel the motion and the kicks, it is so fun, and Ry gets to feel it more and more :) Little Logan is growing so awesome, at 24 weeks he was measuring 26 weeks, so he is right on track :) He is almost 2 lbs!!!! He is starting to grow more hair, as you can see in the ultrasound :) He is around 13 1/2 inches!!! We are still trying to get ready for him, pretty sure we will never be "ready" but hopefully some what prepared... I am so excited to meet this little guy, I can't wait, time is flying and I soon will hold him, and cuddle his and kiss him like CRAZY!!! We've waited so long for this!! Love you Logan :)


Widdisons said...

You look cute! You make sure you keep that little Logan safe and don't do anything harmful to him. We can't wait to see him in June. We don't want him to come earlier then his due date. BE CAREFUL and smart!!
Love ya!

Emily said...

Your crib and bedding look great! Isn't it fun to see it all set up and ready! It makes it seem so much more real when you get everything ready. He will be here before you know it.