A couple pictures of the nursery... more will come, when all the showers are done and the shelves are completly up :)
Some little updates from my pregnancy... So the heart burn has started, at about 30 weeks I started to feel chest pains and nausea, which was relieved by antacids... it is so hard to eat, I love spicy, but not anymore, my food selection is down to a minimum... this little guy better have LOTS of hair, because if not I'm buying him a wig, the heart burn is ridiculous!!!! I am HUGE!!! I have gained 30lbs, but it's mostly in my rock hard belly, I love the movements, he is very active and moves constantly, he is still a night mover, thanks to my work scheldule... at 34 weeks, he is head down and putting pressure on my pubis, he weighs around 5 lbs and is growing like a weed... The leg cramps have returned, so more calcium, magnesium and some pickle juice have been added to my diet :) I love being pregnant... it has been so fun... I get so many people talking to me, random strangers, but it's fun to hear what they have to say... I especially love the old people, they are the sweetest, an older gentlemen had me blushing the other day.. such kind people... I will miss the joys of pregnancy, but can't wait for Logan Kenneth to get here!!!