Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So at 16 weeks this little guy is about the size of an avocado... He should start doubling in size and hopefully I will too :) I have felt the "bubble popping" sensation lately, mostly at night, think this little one knows I work at night, so thats when he is waking... I also have felt, it seems, like my whole uterus will move!!! It's crazy weird, I can feel my lower abdomen move and harden and switch from side to side, so weird!!! But I love it!!! and Ry thinks it's weird he can feel my uterus moving all over, but I think he's a little freaked out by it :) HE is a little mover!!!!


melissa said...

you are adorable pregnant. so excited for you two.

LCO's said...

Thats so exciting your feeling him so soon, I think when your smaller you feel and see it better. I'm glad your off bed rest, that must have freaked you right out :(. I bet your getting your second trimester surge of energy not being sick! Enjoy every day of it. Life is good.

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you! You will be a great mom and you look so cute!! Hope all continues to go well. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!!!